Nirmada F1

Maturity DAS 105-110
Maturity DAT 75-80
Color Medium green/Gossy yellow
Fruit Weight (g) 180-220
Fruit Dimension (L) 8-9
Fruit Dimension (W) 8-9
Fruit Dimension (H) 9-10
Disease Resistance Tm2
Maturity Days 75-80
Plant Vigor moderate
Fruit Length (cm) 9-10
Diameter (cm) 8-9
Immature Color Medium green
Mature Color glossy yellow
Wall Thickness Thick
Plant Description Moderate vigor and compact plant High fruit setting Can be planted for open field and semi protected cultivation
Fruit Description Uniform fruits with good blocky shape in four lobes Attractive color in green or mature yellow. Fuit weight is 180-220 grams