When to transplant onion seedlings

28 August 2017

For successful onion production, it is crucial that the seedlings are transplanted at the right age. Our visual representation below can help you know when it is time to transplant.

Transplanting onion seedlings at the right time can lead to high quality yields.


When to transplant onion seedlings


It takes between 35 and 45 days (depending on variety and season) after sowing to transplant onion seedlings.

Seedlings 1 and 2 in the image below are the right stages to transplant (peanut-sized).

Stages 3 and 4 are over matured. Over matured seedlings may lead to small bulb size and late or no bulbing.


Visit http://www.eastwestseed-kt.com/Resources for more crop guides to help you get the best yield for your vegetables.