To help meet the world's growing demand for food and nutrition and to improve the productivity of smallholder farmers, East-West Seed focuses on variety development of tropical vegetables.

Our aim is to produce new, improved varieties with better yield, ability to thrive in changing conditions, and traits that are attractive to vegetable consumers. We take advantage of modern plant breeding technologies to develop better vegetable crops.

Over the years, we have developed some outstanding products that hit a homerun among farmers and consumers, and in many ways, transformed the market.

Toward Zero Hunger



Ownership and Governance

The Groot family from left to right: Jan, Ard, Simon, Koen, Maaike and Rutger.

The company is privately owned, founded in 1982 by Simon Groot, a 6th generation seedsman from the Netherlands. It is governed by the Supervisory Board, a small group of shareholders composed of members of the Groot family as well as non-family members. The Supervisory Board meets three times a year to discuss the strategy and performance of the company and its holdings.

Over the past 10 years East-West Seed has moved from a loosely connected group of local companies with various shareholdings, to one Group with one ownership structure. Since February 2021, the East-West Seed Group is managed by an eight-person Managing Board.

Group-wide Functional Management has been put in place in our core functions: R&D, Sales, and Seed Operations. Individual companies under the Group are run by a fully local management team, led by the General Manager and the management committee of each country/organization.

Meet our Supervisory Board & Managing Board

Supervisory Board

Top (L-R) - Ard Groot (Chairman), Mary Sue Rogers (Vice Chair), Ivan Chung, James Amatavivadhana
Bottom (L-R) Joost Pekelharing, Maaike Groot, Rutger Groot, Douwe Zijp

Managing Board

For more information, access our Annual Reports

Collaborating with the informal seed sector

EWS believes in the complementarity of the formal and informal seed sector. In the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Tanzania, EWS has a pool of smallholder farmers who participate in variety evaluation and selection. They are given training on good agronomic practices, pest and disease management, recording and trial management.

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Sales and marketing
Sales and marketing
Governance and strategy
Capacity Building

Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Sustainable business powered by innovation

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Seed Production

Seed Production

Our seed production is for farmers, by farmers

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Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing

Serving the needs of smallholder vegetable farmers in the tropics

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Capacity Building

Capacity Building

Extending knowledge to unlock the potential of smallholder farmers

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Digital Innovations

Digital Innovations

The world is rapidly changing, which means innovative farming approaches are more urgent than ever before.

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